#Audio J. Lootchiano 'KICKS'

J. Lootchiano (pronounced "Loot-chi-a-noh") is an American recording artist/ song writer/ entertainer/ producer, from Miami, FL. He is back and is now based out of Atlanta, GA. J Lootchiano's new single campaign for the single KICKS will be heating up several cities in the U.S. and abroad. Be sure to look out for the business savy boss and check out his/ the new single, KICKS.
Title: KICKS
Management: JLootinfo@gmx.com
Label: Unsigned
All social media: @JLootchiano
Drop email: JLhitta@yahoo.com
Booking email: JLootinfo@gmx.com
#DJs #DOWNLOAD DJPACK @JLootchiano - 'KICKS' - https://www.mediafire.com/? v10cdkc7759mwwi
#Audio J. Lootchiano ‘KICKS’ (@JLootchiano) http://eastcoastdigitalradio. com/2016/02/22/audio-j- lootchiano-kicks/
#FACEBOOK #PAGE @JLootchiano - https://www.facebook.com/J- Lootchiano-100416086725032/
#LISTEN ON #SOUNDCLOD @JLootchiano - 'KICKS' - https://soundcloud.com/ eastcoastdigitalradio/j- lootchiano-kicks-clean